Monday, 2 February 2009

What's in a name? Plenty, apparently.

So, at the age of 43, I'm getting married. And the issue of name-after-marriage has now been decided.

Way back, years ago, when I was far more free with my opinions than I am now (bet you wish you'd known me then, eh? You can start pitying my poor parents now, if you like), I was almost militant on this subject. Were I to marry, I'd keep my own name. What right does any man have to demand that I give up the name I grew up with, the name that helps shape my identity? No right at all. Absolutely none. Etc.

Soon after meeting him, I realised that Bruce is every bit as much a feminist as I am. Shortly after agreeing to marry him, I realised that changing a name is a positive adoption of a new identity, not the loss of an old one. I learn quickly. So there we are. I'm changing my name, and from 5.30pm on 30th May, I will be Elaine Mason. This is strange; I'm looking forward to it, while realising that this name sounds strange to me. And I will have no idea what my signature will look like. I'm not practicing.

However. Since I was ten, or thereabouts, I have been titled 'Ms'. And I still will be. Anyone asking after 'Mrs Mason' at the wedding will be introduced to Bruce's mum. You have been warned - two mis-callings and it's a stiletto to the instep.

1 comment:

  1. Mrs. Mason-Johnston to be,

    Wish I was there to celebrate this incredibly monumental and beautiful day. Seeing as you're like thousands of miles away though I have a great excuse. Anyway, Bruce helped me to become a better person. I'll be here, well thousands of miles away, for the both of you, always. Like if you ever come to Newfoundland to see the puffins and get screeched in or whatever.

    Blessings and happiness to you both.

